Friday 30 October 2015

'Star-lord Quad Blaster' drop-leg holsters

Star-lord Quad Blaster - Source: Nerf Wikia
The Star-lord Quad Blaster is something of an under-rated, often ignored blaster in the Nerf community. Its single shot action with sub-par performance means it's often left out for better side-arms like the Hammershot and Strongarm. What it does have, however, is a certain style and it pairs very well with Star-lord cos-plays. We decided to make a holster for it.

We first made a set of holsters for the 'Star-lord Quad Blaster' back in 2014. One of our flat mates here in Bristol wanted a set to complete her Star-lord cosplay. We made them up and she wandered around MCM London back in October 2014 getting compliments on both the holsters and her general costume (with hindsight, should have given her some business cards to hand out!). We left them as a one-off item until a couple of weeks back when we received a request phrased to the effect of"This might be the weirdest thing you've been asked but..." I'm not entirely sure the client was prepared for us to come back with a "Yeah, we've done that, let me find my notes". :D
So we opened up the files, fixed a few bugs and ported the holsters from the old looped belt loops to our standard MkIV style loops fixed to a thigh strap. The blaster is still held in place by a 3D printed clip but it's much easier to release that the previous version. It's low profile when empty and holds the blaster perfectly secure when in use. The best part is that it retains all the sizing flexibility of our full fabric drop-leg holsters. The thigh strap is a full 30" long so chances are, it'll fit you there. The vertical belt loops have the better part of 8" vertical adjustment which is a lot when you consider your legs.

These are available now for £15 for one or £25 for a LH/RH pair (because, honestly, who really wants just one?) from our website. Prices include UK VAT at 20% so non-EU folks will pay £12.50 and £20.83 for singles and pairs respectively - that discount is automatically calculated at checkout.

This is the first release of a few to come in the next few weeks. We've been a bit quiet since the end of LARP season setting up new and exciting things that will be announced in the coming weeks.


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